
Since ancient times, when the current sparkling wine-making technologies in autoclave (pressurized tank) didn’t exist, Prosecco was bottled with its own yeasts, and then it was left to rest in the house’s cellar.

During this period refermentation took place in the bottle, remaining sugars turned into twisting bubbles, and so the Prosecco, after a few months, became fizzy. The wine was ready to be tasted with its own refermentation’s yeasts, which were lying at the bottom of the bottle, that’s where the name “Col Fondo” comes from (Sur-lie).

Malibran commits itself to rediscovering ancient tastes, offering this kind of Prosecco just as it was made in ancient times.


Sottoriva ColFondo


Before the tasting, the Sur-lie should rest upright for a few days, to allow yeasts to fall down to the bottom of the bottle; it should be poured into a decanter and we suggest pouring the remaining yeasts into a glass, so that you can have a taste of the Prosecco’s heart, the heady refermentation scent and the memory of a past that still lives in the modern sparkling wine-making process technologies.